The Center of Perpetual Relief (CPR) is an orphanage located in Jérémie, Haiti. Founded on June 15, 2005, CPR supports orphan children ages as young as 6 months, to 18 years old. The caregivers of the orphanage are Mrs. Eliane Monsignac and Mrs. Betty Maturin. The orphanage began with 50 orphans, however due to a lack of adequate support and resources; the orphanage has reduced to nearly half at 28 children; 8 girls and 20 boys.
In 2016, Hurricane Matthew devastated the southern coast of Haiti. The hurricane effected thousands of residence, destroying hundreds of homes; abolishing livestock and crops community members depend on. The storm left CPR without electricity, damaged the compound grounds, and most importantly without food. After visiting Haiti in 2016, Founder Pierry Benjamin reached out to family, friends, community members and members of his parish to gather resources for the children in CPR.
As a result, in 2017 The BIG Live Corp was able to complete its first mission at The Center for Perpetual Relief. As a collective effort, community members provided school supplies, book bags, diapers, toiletries, food and first-aid kits to the orphanage and staffers respectfully. Since 2017, The BIG Live Corp has been a proud community sponsor subsidizing food cost for CPR the first quarter of each year. Since program inception, The BIG Live has increased food production through live stock and natural farming as an efforts of sustainable ongoing food resource for years to come.